Thursday, June 5, 2008

May in review

Let me start off by saying I have been a little lazy in the blogging department this last month. I feel as if we have been going nonstop. Here is a recap of what we were up to in May.

On May 9th we celebrated our dear family friend, Dana’s, 60th birthday. We had 10 family members come in town for the celebration and everyone stayed with us! It was great! I even got a much needed girls night out of it which was fantastic! (I didn't take my camera so I will try and get some pics soon and post.)

Aaron and I took Dylan to Zoo Atlanta with a couple of our friends, Justin & Kristen and he LOVED it. He copied the monkeys, go figure, and loved the big petting zoo. Compared to the zoo in Miami, Atlanta’s zoo was very small, but just perfect for a toddler!

Daddy and Dylan checking out the monkeys

Dylan up close and personal with a billy goat!

After all of our company left, I was starting to feel like I was getting sick, and boy was I right…I got a terrible cold, which lasted almost two weeks! Aaron was a big help with Dylan while I tried to recuperate. Meanwhile, my brother, Joey, was graduating from Columbia University and I wasn’t going to miss it for anything. I flew to NYC, solo, sick and all, and saw my big bro receive his masters degree (he likes to be called “Master Joe,” but it’s not happening)! CONGRATULATIONS JOEY, I am so very proud of you! Aaron did a fantastic job taking care of Dylan all by himself, even though while I was gone Dylan starting feeling sick as well. I took him to the doctor when I returned and he had bronchitis. There is nothing more pitiful than when your baby is sick and you feel a little responsible for making him feel that way! Don’t worry, he was feeling better in just a couple of days, strong little guy.

Joey and his proud little sis

Aaron and I wrapped up the month by hosting a BBQ with a couple of friends and their sweet little girl for Memorial Day. We had a great time! My parents came on the Sunday before Memorial Day and got to stay with us for a week! My mom had business in Atlanta during the week so Billy came along and helped me out with Dylan. Dylan sure does love his Grammy, Papaw & Ruff (Sebastian, my parents’ little dog)! During my mom’s business meetings she got offered a job here in Atlanta. We are so excited! I would love if my parents could move here! We find out more of the details this week so I will keep everyone posted!

1 comment:

Mollie Perez said...

Oh Elenita! I know you would LOVE it if your mom moved there! That would be awesome sweetie!! Keep me posted! We miss yall! Mol and Caroline